Your Impact

Build on local passion and pride for this landscape by enthusing others about how special it is. Support our fantastic community team and volunteer at a range of events, weekly walks and community workshops. Share your passion with others, work with a diversity of people and never have a dull day!

If you can give more try meeting your local wildlife site group and be part of the lasting legacy. Our community team will happily match you to your nearest group. We also have Sense of Place for Friends and community organisations to help them fundraise for their ideas across the Carbon Landscape with a Sense of Place toolkit as a legacy of this project. 

Your Impact

How You Help The Environment

Our volunteers have been instrumental in providing a step-change in our local environments, whether it is planting trees or new hedges; stopping water from leaking out of our wildlife rich Peat Lands; managing ecologically important grasslands; restoring flood and water quality controlling fen and wetland habitats or even helping us out with our profile lifting events throughout the Wigan, Salford and Warrington areas. You, our volunteers, have made the difference in the Carbon Landscape.

How You Help Wildlife

By helping to manage and improve these vital habitats, you have helped to provide connections for wildlife to live, move and thrive in our Carbon Landscape. Species such as Willow Tits, Bog Bush Crickets, Large Heath Butterflies, Dragonflies, Damselflies, Water Voles, Orchids and Sundews amongst many others have all benefitted from the improved habitats, improved connections between habitats and recording and monitoring that you, our volunteers have helped with.

How You Help The Community

By supporting our local Friends of Groups, attending and helping out at our events and by volunteering conspicuously at our local sites, you have helped our community become inspired by the Carbon Landscape.